Wednesday, July 8, 2009
L-a-S-t m.i..n.u.t.e.s
kang da kelam kabut...ouhh beruk!! ye da kelam kabut thp cipan...
mkn minum mandi sume da xbtol...aiyooo xsmpat deyy...
sok lusa tulat wt g keje cmni...spe ssh...print g...ouhhh dammm...
hahahahah...gelakkn diri sndri...wehhh jom la gelakkn aku ramai2...
weyhhhh spe leh tlg teman or anta mknan...
sy sgt lapa...time kacihh =(
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
plsss understand me!!
plsss understand me...
dunt disturb me...
i really2 hungry...
y nobody cant understand me...
i really2 need food...
arrrgggg... shut up!!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
sang setia
Ssh mau jd sang setia? Mmg manusia ssh mnjadi sang setia? Andai benar teori ini bhwasanya manusia xpnh reti erti syukur? Ku kira sepertinya benar. Anda bagaimana? Iya.. manusia rsnya dlm pa hal belum tentu puas ati an dgn apa yg anda miliki. Xkira apa jua brg. beg,kasut,bj,hp,ntbook,CINTA,kereta,moto..
Sudah pasti bila smpi masanya diganti br wpun poket kosong bagai. Cuba anda
renung dan berfikir sejenak. Penah lakukan sesuatu tp xpasti? Ahh.. sudah pasti pernah bukan. Jgn berjanji pd yg xpasti. Jgn meyakinkn kalau anda sendri xpasti.Krn 1 kelebihan,10 kelebihan kesenangan dicmpak cmtuh je. Bila sudah tiada maka 'JASAMU AKAN DIKENANG'.
xkira pe bnda skali, sgt ssh jd sang setia wpun harta benda yg dimilikinya adalah sudah terbaik. Jgn nilai pd luaran.Jgn nilai hanya pd 1 aspect. Physical, personality rsnya mudah diubah, dibentuk, dilentur. Bole di touch up,digilap.
Sume og boleh berjanji utk mnjdi terbaik. Tp penah yg berjanji utk menjadi terbaik dan ikhlas dikotakan tnpa rungutan? Ahh sudah pasti 1 dlm 1000 bukan.
Wahai manusia sekalian,
Igtlah pengorbanan yg pnh dia beri xkira insan tersayang tu manusia mahupun benda yang terlalu byk bjasa ngn anda.
Yeaaa even itu bukan diminta, tp tu la kasih syg yg sgt bnilai.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
really sorry
Sorry 4 those around me last last nite...
i cant cntrol my emotion...
i felt smthing weird on my mind dat tyme...
till dont border who around me...
it doesnt mean i wanna ignore ur question or ur concern...
but i was suffocating with my burden n my feeling on dat tyme...
lbh mudah it makes me walked in a dream...
again... sorry 4 whut i did...~
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Final Xm
Time utk rileks dah tiba ke titik pghujung...
Masa utk brhmpas pulas akn bgnti...
Masa utk mggila suda kemari...
Akan ku cr gk masa utk bsocial...ouhhh...
Sy x bole hdpi tekanan...
Sy x bole brasa sunyi...
Sy perlukn suasana yg bz...
Sy perlukn kesibukkn...
Sy perlukn suasana hiruk-pikuk ibu kota...
Jiwa sy akn tenang bila dlm serabut...
Gila eyhh... Yeaaa... btol...
Sy suka tmpt srbut wpun sy akn jd srbut sm...
Schedule Final
19/4 - b.research
21/4 -
22/4 - oper.mgmnt
26/4 - quality mgmnt
28/4 - nego
02/5 - intr.mgmt
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
21..da rs tua lak..hoho
2. Are you single?
lom kawin je..hoho
3. At what age do you think you’ll get married?
around 23-25...
4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?
i wish 4 dat..
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
xpk lg ouhh...
6. Who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
ssape yg sudi..ade yg nk?
7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
erkk ddua pun best...huhu
8. Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
9. How many guests do you think you’ll invite?
lom de list g...hoho
10. Will that include your exes?
naaa...nx Q plsss~
11. How many layers of cake do you want?
se-layer da =D
12. When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
mlm bole?
13. Name the song/tune you’d like to play at your wedding?
14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon & fork?knife?
mmne pun xde pe..
15. Champagne or red wine?
air kosong sudey ;)
16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
bbila pun still hnmoon..haha
17. Money or household items?
Saturday, April 4, 2009
bcoz of too much test and reading...
reading reading and reading...
law make me crazy...
i cant think properly...
i cant differentiate btw dos and don'ts anymore...
cant spell correctly...
cant make proper sntce...
do tired and i need some rest rite now..
i CANT do it rite now...heh...
Friday, April 3, 2009
Arrrghh evn br awl bulan biasanye org2 dskeliling akn hepi...
Fulusnye udah aku lak tbalik...
byk lak keje kene wt early of the month ni... akibatnye penyakit malas semakin
menular n sasauku brda di thp super duper extra vaganza....
1. mon-wed dis week : ngdap ppr work.. 5 subj ppr work xsiap g...nk anta dis week...
kelam kabut wehhh...test lg.... studi blum...
2. test IM yg br je mlm smlm slsai...
adusss byk giler xbc smlm+xingt...
3. blnk diwaktu test...huh..sakit duh...key point ade nk elaborate lak cm cipan...
ayat xsmpi lak....
4. Bengang bc bgai nk mampus skali essay part kuar yg simple...arghhh...
5. b4 dat ptg smlm submit ppr work QM n de presentation QM... aku punya part je kn present...huh...da la ppr work msg2 wt last minute...part aku je sel ri2 br siap...
6. bgg assgmnt QM aku dpt body part...bgg wt sowg2...wpun part tuh utk 2-3 org slsai...da la xsm umah ngn diorg...byk doh...pale otak da la satu...nnt jgn byk cmplain da...
5. last touch up ppr work IM yg nk anta dis coming mnday... printing n cvr pg lum cr...
6. assgmnt yg xmula pape lg evn nk kn anta dis cming mnday... tggl 2-3day je lg...
dis weekend after test all my grup mmbers blk...btmbh klam kabut la... =C
7. test dis saturday... bapak byk chap xbc g...
8. submit b.research ppr work dis coming tuesday...
9. final yg akan mnjelang 19 april utk 1st ppr til 2 mei... bangang bgang bangan...
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Pabila hati berdetik
Mncari2 ttg diri dlm kglapan..
Benarlah kt org idup ni ssh...
Idup ni tak mudah mcm ABC...
Xde yg senang pun mcm 123...
Tp satu je yg pasti...
Idup ni mudah dicatur...
Mcm prcaturan di meje judi...
Salah bjudi maka salah la arah kt..
Byk bertaruh byk jugak la kesakitan...
Bila da sakit air mata je la jd santapan...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
try to read this
1. When we're mad, it doesn't ALWAYS mean we're pms-ing.
2. If we don't laugh, we don't think what you said is funny.
3. When we tell you a secret, we expect you to keep it secret. SO DON'T TELL ANYONE!
4. If you cheat on us, and then we break up, don't come crawling back, because once yopu cheat we won't allow you to come back!
5. If we say no, to anything, it means no.
6. Yes, we do like when you smell good. So try to put extra cologne or axe or whatever when you see us.
7. If we say you look good, we won't lie, so don't tell us we're wrong.
8. When we call you and you say you'll call us back, we expect you to call us back!
9. We don't like show offs.
10. Music IS a turn on.
11. So is sports for some people.
12. We like when your excited to see us. Even if you saw us 10 minutes ago.
13. Kisses and hugs are nice and the best!
14. Being called beautiful beats anything else (as in like sexy or hot)
15. Telling us how much we mean to you, means the world to us.
16. Yes most of us are drama queens, but most of you guys are too! So get over it!
17. We don't like you for your money. Or what you can buy us. Sure thats nice. But its not EXPECTED.
18. No one wants a boyfriend that spends more time with another girl, other then his girlfriend. Keep that in mind.
19. We like to be invited places with you. And just you. But sometimes we want to be invited to hang with you and your friends, cuz we love when you meet ours, so you should be the same!
20. If we get upset, we want some attention, all you have to do is give us some! :)
21. When we're walking we like when you just grab our hand, without waiting for us to take yours.
22. Don't laugh at us about something we're upset about.
Friday, March 27, 2009
i got it =)
at last i got my food..
my dinner food mrangkap supper...
plus wit full cream milk... =D
Monday, March 23, 2009
tp l8tly ni sgt bz..
aaa sgt sdey...
sgt2 bclaru.....
sy tnsen....
kamooo pg jauh2....
aaaa sy da cnfuse....
sgt2 da serabut..... xnk pk da...
tp still pk....
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
erm normally in life cycle..
life will goin' up n will goin' down...
life xde nye at the same level evn thought u r satisfied wit current life..
yeaa in fact one day u will realize dat u will loose whut u hold rite now..
aaaaa difficult n nasty things...
it doesnt meant u r looser... =X
Monday, March 16, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
adehhh =X
argue je stiap jwpn yg owg bg : bkn sj cr psl la..spya sng fhm n xpk merewang
ala gtaw je nk or ngh wt pe : bukan nk kongkong tp sng nk bg owg tuh free..xde la kaco2
cite je kdaan sbnr : kn sng..x la ngarot sowg2
gtaw je schedule : sng nk cr 8tvty len..entertainmnt sndri..xla tcangok sowg2 evn mnyebok pun bukn
eheh..adehh =X blur2
Friday, March 13, 2009
thanx a lot 4 those yg support me..
to mr.missing..
although sll mssing n currently bz wit your social 8tvties..
it doesnt be a big prob 4 ur rship...
evnthough sy sakit ati coz sll kn tinggal..
nnt sy tuntut waktu2 sy..haha
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
" The decision to kiss for the first time is the most crucial in any love story. It changes the relationship of two people much more strongly than even the final surrender; because this kiss already has within it that surrender..." Emil Ludwig
today im hepi..
bgn pg je da xde srabut pape..
im free 4m emo da..
dear blog..
aku sgt2 hrp aku akn free cmni smpi bila2..
cm aku dulu2..
yeaa aku nk jd cm dl2..
mudah trima pe sj yg jd..
sntsa tabah mnrima ssuatu perkara..
dear blog..
arini aku da rs de prbhn dlm diri aku..
evn sket tp prmulaan yg sgt baik wt aku..
aku da mula tsnyum..
da mula free dr pk prkra yg bukan2..
aku da xserabut2 g..
thanx 2 mr therapist..
he did a lot..
cheer me up last nite..
make up ground my self-cnfdnce..
last nite?!! yeaa believe me..
he teach me alot..
his patient n willingness face my stupid fancy..
make me realize somethings..
sy appreciate sgt2...muah muah =P
truskn doa utk sy ye..tQ~
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I will be~
There's nothing I could say to you
Nothing I could ever do to make you see
What you mean to me
All the pain, the tears I cried
Still you never said goodbye
And now I know how far you'd go
I know I let you down
But it's not like that now
This time I'll never let you go
I will be all that you want
And get myself together
'cus you keep me from falling apart
All my life
I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything okay
I thought that I had everything
I didn't know what life could bring
But now I see, honestly
You're the one thing I got right
The only one I let inside
Now I can breathe 'cus you're here with me
And if I let you down
I'll turn it all around
'cus I will never let you go
I will be all that you want
And get myself together
'cus you keep me from falling apart
All my life
I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything okay
'cus without you I can't sleep
I'm not gonna ever ever let you leave
You're all I've got
You're all I want
And without you
I don't know what
I'd doI could never ever live a day without you
Here with me do ya see
You're all I need
And I will be all that you want
And get myself together
'cus you keep me from falling apart
All my life (my life)
I'll be with you forever (forever)
To get you through the day
And make everything okay (okay)
I will be all that you want (I'll be)
And get myself together (get myself together)
'cus you keep me from falling apart
And all my life
You know I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything okay
dia da missing..jom pk2
ade..2day xcmpk =x
Where is your Boyfriend/girlfriend?
still kt luar kot tyme2 ni..lpk2..
Where is your sister?
kt umah!
Where your mother?
tdo kot..sok keje
Your father?
cnfirm tdo~
Your favorite item?
nth..byk sgt..
Your dream last night?
Your favorite drink?
ice lmon tea, coke float, big HL
Your dream boy/girl?
The room you are in?
inside the ladies.. oke?
Who are you with?
blved bed n pillow..huh~
What do you want to be in 10 years?
idk..mybe 1st women prime minister..naaa!!
Who did you hang out last?
What you're not?
Are you in love?
yea..luv him till end
One of your wish list items?
emm.. go n ask b..he noe
What time is it?
The last thing you did?
sms-ing wit the missing guy..
What are you wearing?
shirt n short..
Your laptop?
nec..since 4yrs ago..
The last thing you ate?
8/3/2009, 7pm, ns air,at kg baru..yup xtipu..
Your mood?
oke loh..
What are you thinking about right now?
mr missing a.k.a mr spect
What are you doing at this moment?
ngdap screen cm owg xbtol..
What is on your TV screen?
blank..cut cost..
When is the last time you laughed?
nth la...
What's on for tomorrow?
full of class.. mrning till nyte..death!!
What colour shirt are you wearing?
Do you think you're wasting your time on the person you like?
How late did you stay up last night?
around 4-5am n woke up on 8am..
Sometimes, do you wish you were someone else?
yeah.. n being perfectooo!!!
What was your last conversation about with your best friend?
hurm..nx question plss..
What's a happy time you've had in the past week?
spend tyme ngn b with full of luv,freedom n hppiness..
Do you like meeting new people?
Would you like to tell someone something but cant?
yeah..sgt byk
Ever wear fake nails?
Do you own anything you don't want your parents to know about?
Whats your current favorite color?
ask my mr missing
What was the first thing you heard this morning?
Were you happy when you woke up today?
Monday, March 9, 2009
dear blog
arini ppgi da de class..
bgku class 2day sgt brt..
law?yup sgt berat..
mmndangkan arini dr segi mntal n dlman aku xstable..
mnambah2 la ssh law...
after class aku ke rawang...
beri sokongan pd si dia..
yeaaa...smoga dia xputus asa lg...
smbil2 tman rakan2 service keta... *alasan je ni* =p
dear blog..
patutnye aku gmbra arini..
tp emosi aku atasi sglanya..
emosi aku kwl jiwa n prbuatan aku..
aku da cuba utk brubah..
aku da guna spnuh daya aku..
nmpk nye lg aku cuba mmotong emosi lg kuat emosi aku brlwn..
aku xpnh pth smgat wpun hakikatnye aku da goyang...
da xmmpu nk brdiri lg..
da xmmpu nk lwn lg..
anggota bdn jd lemah slemah2nye..
tidur aku tganggu dgn gngguan2 mcm2 stiap mlm..
tidur aku juga plg lama pun hnya 4 jam..
dear blog..
arini emosi aku mnyrang selera mknku..
kali trakhir mknan brtemu perutku smlm..
yeahh dnner 7pm...
snce pg ni lum de satu pun yg msk perut...
dear blog..
evn td aku bsama rakan2 aku tsnyum girang..
tp hakikatnye aku tgh bperang ngn emosi...
aaahh gelak tawa td hnya utk kabur kn mata ssape sj..
trutama skali dia..
yahh..aku da tlalu byk bbankan dia dgn pelbagai hal...
aku xsggup tgk wajahnya muram lg evn thgh dia sntsa snyum..
aku bsyukur krna dia msh sygkan aku wpun aku byk sshkn dia..
aku taw..dia tlalu byk ssh ati pk kan hal aku...
aku taw..tnpa rs pnt n ssh dia cuba mngmbalikan aku mnjdi aku..
xkira wlau pe cr skali pun...
aku sgt2 bsyukur krna allah sntsa mmberi kbhgiaan wt aku...
allah sntsa beri kmwahan pd ku n kluarga aku...
apa sj aku mau parents aku penuhi..
allah jg xpnh jemu dgr rintihan aku..
allah xpnh jemu kaburkan doa aku...
wpun aku sndri tlalu byk mngeluh psl idup aku..
dear blog..
act aku da mls da nk emo2 ni tmbh2 dlm blog..
tp ati n jiwa aku tpggil2 utk mluahkn sgla isi ati..
sgla rs sngsi dlm blog ni...
if sspe tbc blog ni..
doakn kbhgiaan aku..
doakn kgmbiraan wt diri aku..
doakn mdhan aku mmpu mnjdi 100% diri aku smla~
Sunday, March 8, 2009
itu toys sy!!
2day aku nk share smthng yg xpnh aku share..
since smlm aku tpk n smpi dis mrning aku xleh lupa..
aku da xtaw cmne nk cmpk bnda ni dr otak aku...
aku pelik npe bnda tuh pun aku leh tpk smpi skrg..
yes!!aku admit yg aku emo!!
aku sgt kedekut!!
toys tuh aku punya...
aku kdkot kongsi toys aku ngn owg len..
let say toys tuh de nyawa on dat time..
n toys tuh pnh nk ikot owg len blk or whut...
waaa aku xleh trima...
so whut klu aku xnk kngsi ngan sspe pun!!..
ade mslh ka??
toys tuh toys yg aku plg syg..
mmg klu bole aku xnk owg len sntuh..
pnjam pun xleh..
tgk pun xleh...
waaa sy sgt kdkot!!
yes!!!mmg sy kdkot 4 dat toys...
tp aku nk wt cmne if toys tuh pnh dpnjam org..
aku lmbt beli...
aku lmbt jumpa...
arggghhh rs nk blsh je owg tuh sbb jmpa dl...
geram geram geram sgt...
nk geram sgt2 pun bnda tuh da happened...
sbb ms dsplay owg len da touch dl..
n dat toys pun pnh jmpa plbgai bkl tuan dia b4 aku...
n dat toys pun 4 sure pnh cuba syg bkl tuan yg tgk dia b4 aku beli...
iskkk aku cm xleh trima knytaan dowh...
nway aku sgt2 patut bsyukur cos xpnh la owg pnjam toys aku smpi bwk blk umah...
tuh pun stau aku la..
sbleh2 nye biar btol la yg toys aku xpnh dpnjam smpi cmtuh...
hope so toys aku tuh pun xpnh owg sntuh..
n hope gak toys aku owg xpnh tgk in depth...
if nk g la cr toys len..
scan scra mata kasar dl b4 beli..
rs ssuai br la touch, belek2..
pa2 try stick to one..
if aku jd tmpt mmber aku xtaw la cne..
i guess smpi skang kot dia xtaw yg toys dia da rmai bwk blk umah..
bnyi da cm xvirgin an...haha
tp tol la xvirgin sbb owg len da sntuh..
di operate...
pa2 dilanyak smpai batt kong...
4 sure toys tuh pun da xshining cm br beli da an...
pa2 if pth or whut digam smla...
n the nx day nye diletak blk tmpt asal....
its looks like cm xpnh owg sntuh an...
ahh xnk aku....
if dat situation really happened 2 me..
naaahh aku sgt2 xleh trima dowh...
biar sbrg cndtion yg jd kt toys aku dsbbkan aku..
aku rosakkn or whut xpela sbb aku owner dia...
tp klu sbb owg len...iskkkkk...
Masa bercinta semuanya manis2 belaka tapi kalau
jujur pasti rumah tangga aman damai " -intrend
Saturday, March 7, 2009
2day n today
2day xtaw nk wt pe..
2day da ktandusan..
2day da blnk nk wt pe..
2day mcm muram je..
2day rs mls nk mkn..
2day rs sgt gelisah..
2day ati rs xsdp..
2day im alone..
2day rs nk ketuk2 je pale ni..
2day cm nk ngamok je..
2day cm nk cmpak2 je pe yg de tmasuk pale ni..
2day rs nk jerit kuat2..
2day da rs srbut thp tera je..
2day da xde 8tvty...
2day rs nk lari rumah je..
np idup sy kn cmni??
Thursday, March 5, 2009
" Woman was created from the rib of man: Not from his head to be thought of only, nor from his hand to be owned, nor from his foot to be beneath, but from under his arm to be protected, from his side to be equal, and from his heart to be loved.. "
Tagged Price?
1. Have you had a girlfriend or boyfriend?
2. Have you had your birthday?
2mnths and 2 days ago.. nk clbr8 skali lg leh x =p
3. Been to mosque?
4. Cried yet?
5. Had someone close to you pass away?
16 years ago..
6. Pulled an all nighter?
7. Drank Starbucks?
da lm la xminum..
8. Gone shopping?
9. Gone to the beach?
1st day CNY..
10. Gone to the movies?
upin ipin wif b n ika..
11. Bought something over RM 100?
12. Met someone new?
erk..cant rmber la...
13. Been out of your home state?
yeah.. png-sel-png-sel..bole?
14. Gone snowboarding/skiing? nk!!
15. Kissed someone?
16. Slept in a friend's bed?
17. Snuck someone over?
18. Snuck out of your own house?
19. Been in a bar?
20. Lied?
erk...if tpksa...
21. Gotten a car?
22. Gone over your cell phone minutes?
23. Been called a whore?!!
24. Drove somewhere?
25. Done something you regret?
yeah..everytime..everyday..i'll try to change it..
26. Gotten caught?
27. Last things you bought?
petrol cnsider x?heh
28. Person to call you?
29. Last time you took a bubble bath?
30. When was the last time you felt stupid?
erm..last nite..
31. When was the last time you walked/ran a mile?
2 weeks ago..
32. Who was the last person saw you cry?
b n myself..
33. Who was the last person made you cry?
my stupid feelings...back off plss~
34. Who was the last person you watched a movie with?
b n little sis ika..
35. Who was the last person you danced with?
36. Who did you last yell at?
b kot!! haha
37. Who last told you they loved you?
last nite smone ni try 2 cheer me up..
thnx anyway...
cian tgk aku sll chill kot.. ke?
"excuse me i rite?.." =x
smbg story lik..
pusing2 sddnly stopped kt 1shop ni..
dia turun n said wanna buy sum mag 4me..
aku mls nk 2run n asked him beli je la pape mag..
u noe whut?
he buy me utopia mag..
*OMG!!* byk2 mag utopia jd pilihan?!! haha..
he said dat he did all dis things juz bcoz nk cheer me up..
he really crazy la...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
sgt2 disapointed..yeahh!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
papapape lah~
Monday, March 2, 2009
test knowledge..
sgt style an?
Thursday, February 26, 2009
jom lunch!!
Luv beach?hoho..
2day g jjln ngn my fam..
ktrg ber3, ibu n abah..
jln2 cr mkn..whut?? makan??
ouchh..bnda yg best an...sonok je dgr..
da la g jln2..mkn2 agi..iskk..
ktrg went out after zhr..
last mnte plan... knonnye nk blk jumpa wan..
tgh cuti2 ni la g lwt dia kt png.. hoho..
mmla ktrg dcde g umah dia dl tp dia xde lak..
dia kuar g town.. iskk atuk aku nih...
pas2 ktrg pun decide nk g mkn mmndgkan aku xmkn g since ptg smlm..
ptg smlm tuh kira plg2 last la aku mkn...
iskk kejam!!! haha...
act mmg xplan pun nk g mkn seafood...
tp aku ni ha yg ngade2..
asl blk je mcm2 mknan aku pow abah..
haha... ibu tumpang join je =P
ktrg pun grak la g area2 batu maung... bukan batu uban k..hoho..
jgn sesat jln lak..haha...
kdai tuh bukan la 5star or whut tp oke2 je la..
for those yg luv beach mybe best la sbb tol2 tepi pntai...
kt atas tuh slh satu yg smpt upload la..
n another one *sorry dat pic mls lak nk upload*
leh jln smpai ktgh laut sket la...lalala
oke now kt citer bab mkn lak...
can see 3 color an kt ats ni? haha
ni la air2 ktrg.. kiranye bnda ni la yg smpai dl dr bnda2 len..
pastu br la food2 ktrg...
act all dis food xde la superbb...but oke la taste dia..
for me skdr oke2 jek...
yg pntg size n quantity la..
dis place bukan la super duper yg de kt png..
but antara yg ade kt png n yg dh pnh ktrg try...
mmla aku knonnye just nk mkn ns grg..
da lpr sgt..
so kn la cr bnda2 yg heavy sket..
dgn udang lak aku alergik...haihhh
but order nye ns grg udang gk...
knon2 udang2 nnt aku sdkah je kt sspae...
tp da udang bsr2 lak snyum kt aku dlm pinggan..
pe g abis sume pntg aku lupa..
abis sume pntg aku slma ni... uwaa
tp de yg aku pntg gak la tyme tuh...
aku....'pntg nmpk!!!'...hahaha
abis sume aku blsh..
for those yg nk try n nk taw rnge price all dis things...
[ 1mee udang+2 ns grg udg+3ketam+air = rm74 only ]
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
cinta si polan dengan polan
POLAN : xde owg pun syg sy..
SI POLAN : eh sy kan de..
POLAN : npe ngn awk?
SI POLAN : sy syg awk..rmai yg syg awk n sy plg syg2 awk..
POLAN : awk tipu...
SI POLAN : wt pe sy nk tipu mmg sgt2 syg awk hp sy 'hang' tukar br da tgk kt bwh td...
POLAN : owhh yeke.. ikot awk la..hp awk tuh rosak truk ke?
SI POLAN : leh thn la.. sy xpnh pkai hp lama2.. biasanya staun sy da tukar br..
POLAN : owh yeke?
SI POLAN : yg sy pkai ni kira plg2 lama la..
POLAN : yela ye awk nk beli hp pe?
SI POLAN : sy ingt nk beli yg touch screen..
POLAN : touch screen? leh thn ke? msk bulan ke3 sure stylus awk ilang..
SI POLAN : letak blk kt tmpat dia.. sy mest jg tol2nye
POLAN : eleh leh cy ke? ke mmla je...da lm2 sok nth mmane..
SI POLAN : xde la..kali ni sy jg tol2..
POLAN : yeke? pasni awk jd cm dl2 la..
SI POLAN : asal ea?
POLAN : yela ms nk drive nnt sure ckp... 'eh sy da nk drive..cont nnt ea'
SI POLAN : haah la..haha..
POLAN : owh ya..nnt awk blk mlm2 xdpt la tman awk msg2 da..
SI POLAN : haah la..tanak beli hp keypad je an sy leh kol awk spnjg nk beli h2o la sng..
POLAN : mmla je..nnt bil da tinggi da kn blk sowg2...cne ea?
SI POLAN : eee tanak nk sm ngn awk...
POLAN : cmtu sy nk pkai hp 1100 je bp..
SI POLAN : if cm2 sy bli awk 3310 je..
POLAN : xnk nk 1100..sggp ke?
SI POLAN : if cm2 sy nk pkai 2100..
POLAN : eleh mcm nk..
SI POLAN : ala sy rs ssuai ngn awk 3210..leh thn lama..
POLAN : isk..xnk la..3210 besar..1100 kecik+comel..mcm sy..hahaha
SI POLAN : if beli awk hp nokia yg besar gbak tuh..mcm dl2..letak atas owg nmpk..
POLAN : trgt..da lm sy kt nk beli hp crporate2 cm dl2 tuh..smpai skang xbeli2 lagi...siap de kaler2 g..
SI POLAN : tol2..xbeli2 pun..nnt leh ltk atas meja..siap leh isi air skali tuh..ingt tol awk..
POLAN : hehe.. haah.. awk wrna biru sy wrna pink..nnt dlm tuh isi la air ribena..bila dhga leh minum..mesti cute an..
SI POLAN : haaahahaha... awk ni.. ade2 je=P
eehaa..da kt da!!!
kjp je aku rjin upd8 blog ni..
knon2 bz..
pdhal aku ni pmls nk mmpus..
da blk umah ni..
nk bukak ntbook ni rs cm iskk... berat je..
asl blk umah je rs idea pun da trbang...
da blank jek..
sbb nye idea aku asyik nk mkn je..mkn..mkn..mkn..
mkn utk mkn..
mkn utk idop..
mkn utk hepi..
mkn utk gemokk..
mkn mkn mkn..
iskk da tmbh bsr da bdn aku ni...
knon2 la if spe rs xde prbhan pape..
aku ni an suka phsan gemoxx...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Nota Terakhir
" Awk..seandainya smlm ari gmbra wt kt..jdkan sbg sbuah mmri idup.. "
" Awk..seandainya smlm ari terakhir wt ttp sygkan awk.. "
" Awk..seandainya smlm ari terakhir sy mlhat awk gembira..lupakn sgla ksdhan yg pnh sy bg.."
" Awk..seandainya smlm ari trakhir sy mlhat wjh akan ingt awk smpi bila2.."
" Awk..seandainya smlm ari trakhir sy dibelai..thnx sbb fhm sy slma ni.."
" Awk..seandainya smlm ari trakhir sy mnyntuh awk..smpan sbg mmori idup awk.."
" Awk..seandainya smlm ari trakhir kt bsama..thnx sbb jg sy slma ni.."
" Awk..seandainya ari ni kt bpluang utk bsma tp kt xmnyesal awk.."
" Awk..seandainya ari ni ari terakhir sy bpluang sgt2 sygkn awk.."
" Awk..seandainya ari ni sy ke alam br..anggaplah ni nota trakhir wt awk.."
Friday, February 20, 2009
Feeling Therapy ;))
Every question is referring to one person
1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?
Luv..erkk bley ke =P
2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her.
its mine!! ;p
3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you.
a lot..n dier sgt giler..dun trust him!!! haha
4. The most memorable things he/she have said to you?
5. If he/she become your lover, you will...
ouhhh yeah!!! already pun..opsss..
6. If he/she become your enemy, you will...
xnk!!! dushhh...
7. If he/she become your lover, he has to improve on...on his/her
should ke? suka yg skrg..oke!
8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is...
date wif another gurl...ouhh no!!
9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
10. The overall impression of him/her is...
its mine 4 eva...haha
11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
ntah..myb enemy kot...
12. The character of you for yourself is?
-ve thinker..pastu br nk regret...
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
15. For the people who likes you, say something about them.
ouhh..unexpected coz im a strangers!!!haha
16. Ten people to tag:
17. Who is no.2 having a relationship with??
18. Is no. 3 a male or a female?
im not les oke!!
19. If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
yeahh!! sgt..
20. How about no. 5 and 8?
asl ea? pening lak..iskk..
21. What is no. 1 studying about?
to determine psl status kot..ishh cbok jek..
22. Is no. 4 single?
currently NOT..already taken..
23. Say something about no. 6
iskkk xnk laa...
p/s : taken 4m ausz..sori~
Admit with it?
" Nothing diff wif telur masin "
Penah pk x if kt da tol2 syg ssorg..
Kt sm je cm telur masin..
Once u really2 luv someone...
Our life nothing diff pun cm telur masin...
*Think bout' it... Juz 4 sharing*
Sekapur Sireh VS Pain+Gain
if da sekapur 4 sure kena + sireh..
br la lengkap sekapur sireh...
if sekapur je ade meaning ke?
No Pain?
np kn ade pain?
xleh ke xde pain?
Kt org klu xde pain xjd idop..
No Gain?
asal lak xde gain?
xleh ke kt dpt ssuatu..
iskkk cm musykil je...
rsnye dlm dunia ni rmai mnsia je dpt tingkatkn ssuatu..
tp kata org klu nk g kosong cmtuh je dlm idop mmg ssh..
mnusia mn leh dpt ssuatu tnpa wt pape an...
No Pain No Gain?
ouhhh...da lgkap ke?
sm lgkap da ke cm sekapur sireh?
in life...tnpa pain mmg ssh nak dptkn ssuatu..
tnpa usaha ssh kt nk achieve ssuatu...
ade ke manusia dlm dunia ni yg xssh dl tp scess dpt ssuatu?
No Pain but Get Gain?
Rs2 nye ade x life kt cmni?
sll klu kt dpt kt satisfied x?
if jd cmni rs2nye kt hargai x evn bnda tuh sgt important...
Get Pain but No Gain?
Haaa ni lg satu pepatah..
rs ade yg leh n nk admit x?
mest ttekan kn if life kt cmni...
leh bygkan x if kt da pnt2 ssh+usaha n at the end kt xdpt pape pon..
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Super Duper T.E.S.T
rs mls nk upd8 blog..
sbbnye mlmpah ruah T.E.S.T lak dis week..
mcm nk tcabut pale otak da ni haa..
smlm test..rni test..
da cm feeling final lak ni..
yg plg bestnye.. jup g je ni aku de test..
aiseyhhh.. aku an da tlebey terror..
chap xbis studi g aku da tdo...
pastuh aku on9..
pastu upd8 menatang ni..
*omg* jup g aku nk jwb ni..
ni bahana paper rsearch smlm laa..
super duper ssh dowh!!...
cm nk tcbut otak aku pk..
tkial2 nk jwb..
usha kiri usha kanan..
xckop g tuh...
usha blkg lak... aisshhhh..
tgh lmbakkn answer question tuh..
da lak aku kn mntor ngn miss..
adoyaiii ape ingt aku discuss ke?!!!
iskkk tp mmg tol pun aku discuss kiri kanan aku...haha
da la jwpn aku ngarot mraban tyme tuh..
pnjg je lbey sbb owg sblah aku jwb pnjg2...
jwb pndek2 da cm alien lak aku wpun aku xtaw pe yg aku jwb..haha
tyme tuh i was wndring dat
"sm je cm aku xstudi evn mmg tol pun aku mmain je bc tuto..."
da bis paper research smlm...
asl blk je trus...*pap* suis lmpu n then tdo...
waa giler bapak terror aku nk jwb ppr sok kiranye ppr jup g la...
nk wt t.o.Y.o.l pun cm da xmmpu jek...
da cm x creative lak aku da skang ni...
aiseyhh hope so soklan jup g sgt2 mudah la...
last words b4 aku end '' cpt la bis test2 bongek ni !!!''
[aku mlgkahkn diri aku dgn knon2 cnfdnnye nk g siap...haha]